
Monday, March 25, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Essays Papers

SIR GAWAIN and the grand KNIGHTIn the Middle Ages, a time of brave ennobles and good maidens, chivalry was alive and well, and honor meant much more than just pride. A spell could be expected to be as good as his word, and God was an integral part of his life. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the title function sets off on a month-long quest for the Green chapel service in fulfill manpowert of a promise made a year earlier, crafty full well that it could mean certain death. After the knights final age at the court of King Arthur are recounted, he sets off in country wild where he is far off from all his friends (lines 713-14). This lonely(prenominal) road on which he rides reflects the nature of his quest--Gawains conflict is within himself, and is something which he must deal with on his own.On the long, arduous journey, the brave knight battles countless foes to the point where to tell but the tenth part would evaluate the authors wits (719). All manner of fearsome foes are described, from serpents and wolves to wild men and giants. However, he has borne himself bravely, and been on Gods side (724), and therefore makes it through all these trials intact.The translation of the locations where Sir Gawain is forced to sleep on some nights calls to mind the dwelling of Grendels come from Beowulf--cold, gloomy, rocky, and generally unpleasant. Gawain bears it all with stoic patience and fortitude, though he is some slain by the inclement weather. Finally, on Christmas eve, Gawain prays with all his might/That bloody shame may be his guide/Till a dwelling comes in sight (737-39). This prayer underlines the parallel between Gawains plight on this Christmas Eve and Marys own search for lodging on the night of the first Christmas.On Christmas morning, he arrives in a foreboding forested area, a man all alone in a marsh and mire where birds unblithe upon stark twigs/Peeped most piteously for pain of the cold. (The cold loneliness stands in line of bus iness to the warmth and companionship he is to find in Bercilaks castle later on in the story.) Here he again prays mournfully--this time that he may be able to attend the Christmas mass. His first thoughts are not for his own safety, nor for his reputation should he not find the Green Chapel in time.

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