Friday, March 22, 2019
The Philosophies of John Stuart Mill as a Guide for the World Essay
The Philosophies of John Stuart nerd as a Guide for the World Dr. Pests comments This students term paper is a model of how to put on the philosophical concepts of a previous century to our present society. She showed how the ideas of John Stuart Mill can be used by intelligent people to score a society with more opportunities for women and to insure respect for intellectual freedom. As the world moves into the twenty-first century, it faces many problems. War, disease, over- nation, and starvation argon examples of problems that have provided to be solved. However, progress has been made in many areas that aid in the reduction of human misery. Diseases, through research and scientific study, are violate understoodmany that formerly were considered deadly are now treatable. Advances in agricultural technology have enabled crops to be grown in gravid abundance, and thus feed many more people than was possible previously. Unfortunately, there are several problems that seem to defy any of the worlds best efforts to reanimate them. The subjection of women in much of the world leads to much human misery, as well as being a waste of half of the population where it takes place. The attitude that a woman should be under the rule of a man is one that has only recently changed in the West (and non universally there) in many parts of the world women are no better off than they were hundreds of years ago in this respect. Even in the United States there are many who advocate womens restriction to a submissive role in the home many of these people are part of the religious right, a politically vigorous group. It is difficult to take to that less advanced nations will take the initiative in dismissal women from political and social rest... ... Unity (Boulder Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998), 40.11 Ibid., 41-42, 47-48.12 Ibid., 42-4713 Mi11 and Mill, Essays on Sex Equality, 190-191.14 Ibid., 183.15 Bodman and Tohidi, Women in Muslim Societies, 93.16 Mi11 and Mill , Essays On Sex Equality, 77.17 John Stuart Mill, Three Essays on Religion (Amherst Prometheus Books, 1998), 242.18 Mahnaz Afkhami,ed., Faith and Freedom Women s Human Rights in the Muslim World (siege of Syracuse Syracuse University Press, 1995), 140.19 Ibid,177-179.20 Ibid., 144.21 New Era Encyclopedia, 1992 ed., s.v. Sharia, by Larry B. Miller.22 Ibid.23 Mills, Three Essays on Religion, 139. 24 Delos B. McKown, The Mythmakers whoremaster Behind the illusion of Creation Science (Buffalo Prometheus Books, 1993), 29.25 Mi11, Three Essays on Religion, 242-43.26 McKown, The Mythmaker s Magic, 55. 27 Ibid., 64.
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