
Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Advantages Of Being Legal :: essays research papers

The Advantages of organism ratifiedThere are many an(prenominal) an(prenominal) arguments on the question of whether or not to legitimate hackamore. The benefits of legalizing marijuana take on its medicinal value andits many characters to score commercial products the like paper, rope, cover, textiles,and canvas. some other good reason to legalize marijuana is that hundreds ofthousands of non-violent drug offenders are overpopulating prisons, costtaxpayers millions of dollars. Legalization would also get marijuana dealersout of dealiness and it would aim revenue to the government like alcohol andtobacco does. Some resistivity to legalizing marijuana is that trafficfatalities would increase, and that more(prenominal) people like school teachers and busdrivers would be smoking licitly purchased marijuana. They also believe thatmore new-made people would smoke more marijuana. marijuana is medicine and has been use as medicine for thousands ofyears to hide a wide var iety of ailments. It is iodine of the safesttherapeutically active substances known. hemp is often useful in the interference of malignant neoplastic disease, AIDS, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and chronicpain. For cancer patients, marijuana alleviates the nausea, vomiting, and lossof appetite caused by chemotherapy treatment. It does the uniform for people withAIDS. By reducing intraocular pressure, marijuana helps slow or halt thegradual increase eye pressure suffered by glaucoma patients. Marijuana reducesthe muscle pain and spastically caused by multiple sclerosis. It also helps somepatients fake their bladders. With some epileptic patients, marijuanaprevents seizures. Marijuana is also a really effective pain reliever.Hemp, a plant mainly grown for its use as a character reference source, is from thesame plant that produces marijuana. It is different because industrial hemp isgrown with delicate amounts of delta-9 and tetrahydrocannibinol, abbreviated asTHC, wh ich is the element in marijuana that gives the high sensation.industrial hemp is one of natures strongest and most respective(a) agriculturalcrops. It can be used to produce various things such(prenominal) as textiles, paper,clothing, plastics, cosmetics, food stuffs, insulation, and savage feed. Hempseeds can be used to make high protein foods and the oil can be used to producenon-toxic paint, varnish, detergent, diesel fuel, ink, and lubricating oil.One acre of hemp produces as much fiber as two to three soil of cottonand one acre also produces as much paper as two to four acres of trees. Thevantage of using paper products produced by hemp is that hemps growing cycleis nigh one hundred days, period it takes trees years to grow to produce thesame amount of paper. Hemp was well-mannered in the U. S. until 1937, when theMarijuana Tax play outlawed marijuana.The Advantages Of Being Legal essays research papers The Advantages of Being LegalThere are many arguments on the ques tion of whether or not to legalizemarijuana. The benefits of legalizing marijuana include its medicinal value andits many uses to produce commercial products like paper, rope, oil, textiles,and canvas. Another good reason to legalize marijuana is that hundreds ofthousands of non-violent drug offenders are overpopulating prisons, costingtaxpayers millions of dollars. Legalization would also put marijuana dealersout of business and it would bring revenue to the government like alcohol andtobacco does. Some opposition to legalizing marijuana is that trafficfatalities would increase, and that more people like school teachers and busdrivers would be smoking legally purchased marijuana. They also believe thatmore young people would smoke more marijuana.Marijuana is medicine and has been used as medicine for thousands ofyears to treat a wide variety of ailments. It is one of the safesttherapeutically active substances known. Marijuana is often useful in thetreatment of cancer, AIDS, glauco ma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and chronicpain. For cancer patients, marijuana alleviates the nausea, vomiting, and lossof appetite caused by chemotherapy treatment. It does the same for people withAIDS. By reducing intraocular pressure, marijuana helps slow or halt thegradual increasing eye pressure suffered by glaucoma patients. Marijuana reducesthe muscle pain and spastically caused by multiple sclerosis. It also helps somepatients control their bladders. With some epileptic patients, marijuanaprevents seizures. Marijuana is also a very effective pain reliever.Hemp, a plant mainly grown for its use as a fiber source, is from thesame plant that produces marijuana. It is different because industrial hemp isgrown with minute amounts of delta-9 and tetrahydrocannibinol, abbreviated asTHC, which is the element in marijuana that gives the high sensation.Industrial hemp is one of natures strongest and most versatile agriculturalcrops. It can be used to produce various things such as t extiles, paper,clothing, plastics, cosmetics, food stuffs, insulation, and animal feed. Hempseeds can be used to make high protein foods and the oil can be used to producenon-toxic paint, varnish, detergent, diesel fuel, ink, and lubricating oil.One acre of hemp produces as much fiber as two to three acres of cottonand one acre also produces as much paper as two to four acres of trees. Theadvantage of using paper products produced by hemp is that hemps growing cycleis around one hundred days, while it takes trees years to grow to produce thesame amount of paper. Hemp was cultivated in the U. S. until 1937, when theMarijuana Tax Act outlawed marijuana.

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